Matching suggestions: Price2Spy helps you find more products on competitor sites

New Price2Spy features 25.4.2018. Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are constantly working on improving our Global Product database – a kind of knowledge base that is meant to help our clients and speed up the process of product matching and account setup.

How can you benefit from this knowledge base? It’s pretty simple: If Price2Spy detects that you monitor product A on site X, while we already know that the same product is also featured on sites A and B – we will offer you to monitor A and B – and that’s what we call Matching Suggestions. Recently, however, we have introduced a couple more options that will suggest matches based on product information such as SKU or Internal ID numbers. In other words, we have made the Matching suggestions even smarter!

Take the following screenshot for example:

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As you can see in the left-hand corner, Price2Spy has detected 2 Matching Suggestions (from site A and site B). You can also see the suggested product price and availability.

Now, please check the right-hand side of the screen – there you should tick which Matching Suggestions you want to Approve (or Reject).

The ones you Accept will be added to your Price2Spy account and will get price-checked together with other URLs from this site. (the ones you reject will be not offered as Matching Suggestions any more)

Simple enough – isn’t it?

Now, lets introduce some complexity 🙂 First of all, you can instruct Price2Spy not to offer Matching Suggestions from given site at all.Further, if you click on your profile name >>> Account Settings >>> Matching Suggestions – you’ll find much more settings at your disposal.

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  • Do you want to use Matching Suggestions – if this is set to NO – you’ll receive no Matching Suggestions
  • Approving Matching suggestions can be done
    • Manually (as described above), or
    • Automatically: once per day – Price2Spy will add all Matching Suggestions to your account
  • Further, you can narrow down which sites you’d like included in Matching Suggestions
    • Any site
    • Just sites belonging to following Competitor Groups (please define your Competitor Groups in Metadata)
    • Just sites from following countries  (this way you can limit Matching Suggestions to just those countries which are of interest to you)
    • Finally, you can exclude Matching Suggestions from certain sites

We hope you’ll find Matching Suggestions useful especially with the latest improvements – it’s meant to save you matching effort (both in terms of time and money) and to make you aware of some more competitor sites, that you may have not been aware of.

We are still planning to improve this feature, but of course we would highly appreciate any suggestions. We would be happy to hear from you – just send us an email to