Store Integration – Link my Store


Price2Spy Store Integration

Everything you need to know about integrating Price2Spy with standard shopping carts.

Store Integration – Link my Store

The basics

If you’re using one of the shopping carts / eCommerce platforms supported by Price2Spy, you can easily integrate your online store with Price2Spy. Once you’re in your Price2Spy account, you will be able to choose which platform you want to integrate with. Each platform has its own specific steps, but we’ve tried to simplify the process as much as possible. In the table below, you will find an overview of the currently supported platforms.

Store Integration – Link my Store

Why should you integrate your own store with Price2Spy?

Integrating your own store with Price2Spy comes with a list of benefits. Below are some we would like to highlight.

Store Integration – Link my Store

Add new products efficiently

Automate the addition of new products in your Price2Spy account.

Store Integration – Link my Store

Delete obsolete products

Easily remove products you’re not interested in monitoring anymore.

Store Integration – Link my Store

No development needed

We offer ready-to-use integration solutions for the 12 most popular eCommerce platforms.

Store Integration – Link my Store


Price2Spy will detect products that need to have their price changed, and after you confirm the change, it will be automatically done on your store.


When communicating with your selected eCommerce platform Price2Spy actually performs one of the following operations:

This will mirror products from your online store into your Price2Spy account. As you create new products in your store, they will automatically get reflected in your Price2Spy account. However, you won’t be able to modify/delete such products from your Price2Spy account – instead, they are supposed to be modified/deleted in your store – and Price2Spy will pick changes from there. If needed, linked products can be unlinked – which will turn them into independent products of their own (please see the Copy operation).

This operation will enable you to set up a list of rules which, when met, mean that your products’ prices should change. The rules typically depend on your products’ purchase prices, the desired price margin, and of course – competitors’ prices. Depending on your requirements you can choose to:

  • approve the repricing suggestions manually yourself, before the price changes are actually made and reflected on your own store;
  • have fully automated repricing that you’ll be able to schedule at the desired time, so you can get well-timed, on-point price changes that will help you to stay competitive.

Supported shopping carts / eCommerce platforms

Link products Indirect repricing Direct repricing
Store Integration – Link my StoreMagento 2.x
Store Integration – Link my StoreShopify
Store Integration – Link my StoreBigCommerce
Store Integration – Link my StoreWooCommerce
Store Integration – Link my StoreShift4Shop
Store Integration – Link my StoreShopware 5.x
Store Integration – Link my StoreShopware 6.x
Store Integration – Link my StorePresta Shop webhook only
Store Integration – Link my StoreGoogle Shopping Feed webhook only
Store Integration – Link my StoreCustom Price2Spy import feed webhook only
Store Integration – Link my StoreKelkoo webhook only
Store Integration – Link my StoreShopmania webhook only

Are we missing a platform you're interested in?

If that is the case, do not hesitate to contact us with the details of the platform you’re interested in integrating with Price2Spy. We will investigate the complexity of the platform and together with the information you provided we’ll offer you a custom quote.

Link my store - video tutorial

This tutorial explains how to quickly (and with no IT effort) link Price2Spy to your own online store.