Pricing strategy / Repricing

Advanced Repricing

Easily customize, implement, and automate any repricing formula with our rule-based Repricing Strategy builder.

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Save significant time

The more products you are dealing with, the more time you save.

No manual errors

Once set, our rules are applied automatically, according to the criteria you have chosen.

Price suggestions

You set the formula, we calculate the prices. Decide what to do with them.

Optimize profit margins

Precise price calculations that include all the competitive data we gather for you ensure optimal prices and margins.

Stop missing out on revenue

Optimal prices & margins mean you get the highest amount of revenue per each product you are selling.

Efficient decision-making

Quickly select criteria, products, and competitors according to which your strategy will be calculated.

Easier price planning

Time your promotions by setting the beginning and end dates.

Positive sales impact

Our algorithms, rules, and strategies help our customers improve their bottom-line.

Intuitive to use

Pick the Repricing Rule you want to apply, set the desired paramters, and that's it!

Strategy Builder & Repricing Rules

Implement any (re)pricing formula with our Strategy Builder and Repricing Rules easily!

The building blocks of each Repricing Strategy are the Repricing Rules. Each Repricing Rule is a mini set of conditions and instructions on what to do when those conditions are met.


We offer three types of Repricing Rules:

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Base Rules

These are the necessary rules that you need to have in every Strategy.

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Filter Rules

These rules help you designate more precisely which products to reprice and according to what criteria.

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Auxiliary Rules

These rules help establish limits to each Pricing Strategy in terms of timing, prices, and other parameters.

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Multiple Pricing Strategies

Manage any number of pricing strategies easily.

With Price2Spy you can have multiple Repricing Strategies active at once. You choose their hierarchical order.


This means that Price2Spy tries to apply repricing from the highest-positioned pricing strategy in your account.


If no products meet the criteria, Price2Spy goes to the next strategy in the hierarchy.

Repricing Methods

Repricing suggestions or completely automated repricing. You choose.

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Indirect Repricing

If your store is not integrated with your Price2Spy account (Price2Spy will prepare the repricing information, but you’ll have to apply it in your store).

Pricing strategy / Repricing

Direct Repricing

Applicable if your store is integrated with your Price2Spy account (Price2Spy will execute repricing changes directly within your store).

Advanced Repricing - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Advanced Repricing.

Advanced Repricing is an ideal feature for everyone who has difficulty handling the repricing process with their products. The value of this feature increases as the number of products you are managing increases. We currently have numerous clients from various industries using this feature.

Advanced Repricing costs vary depending on your account size. More details can be found on our price plan comparison page.

Yes! The time-frame filter enables you to do just that!

Yes. You can set various limits to the Repricing rules you choose. Some examples are absolute values, percent values, and limiting changes only to price increases or decreases. There are also many other rules you can apply, so feel free to explore!

Yes. We are well aware of the fact that different market conditions call for different strategies, sometimes even simultaneous ones. The only thing you need to decide on is the priority of each Strategy you have.

Yes. Price2Spy has an activity log that stores all the repricing actions performed by this module.