Electrical Deals Direct Testimonial

Electrical Deals Direct Testimonial

How Price2spy helped Electrical Deals Direct to be aware of price movements in the market

Finding and buying suitable devices for your home or workspace can often be pretty complicated. Too many options create confusion even among the greatest professionals, and since these purchases are far from cheap, everyone is looking for the ideal solution.

That’s when Electrical Deals Direct comes into the picture. Since 2010, they have been here to help customers find the best products at the best prices.

Electrical Deals Direct Testimonial

Key challenges

Electrical Deals Direct’s mission is to provide the right level of expertise to their customers so that they can buy the most appropriate and best value products. But, that’s not always an easy task. 


This is a very competitive industry, so a good proportion of their customers are just looking to buy from the cheapest source. Thus, offering the best price is extremely important.


However, when there are a lot of players in the game, offering the best possible price becomes complicated. New competitors are continuously entering the market and it’s important to keep an eye on them. New competitors usually tend to offer lower prices in order to be more competitive, so Electrical Deals Direct wants to keep track of such changes. They are also interested in offering lower prices, but with the intention of not undercutting the market and so causing a needless price war.


What complicates the situation further is the fact that they have a growing number of products (i.e. several thousand). Therefore, pricing is impossible without some form of automation.


And when it comes to price automation, who’s a better help than Price2Spy? 

Price2Spy’s given solutions

Due to all challenges mentioned above, Price2Spy understood that one of the main features that the client needs is a daily report of all monitored prices. This data is crucial for Electrical Deals Direct since they use it as a base for repricing their products. Therefore, Automatch was one of the most important features to implement. The key to reliable price monitoring is our Automated product matching process. This means that Price2Spy is able to perform a continual automated product matching process depending on the client’s needs. 


Electrical Deals Direct has been our client for 5 years now, satisfied both with the product and the level of service.

“In a very price-competitive market, Price2Spy has allowed us to be aware of price movements in the market and respond accordingly. The result is that we can be confident of being price competitive whilst not reducing prices to the point where it is not commercially worthwhile to make a sale. The end result of this is that our customers can be very confident we are always keenly competitive, and at the same time we have been able to maintain and increase our market share.”
Tim Hodder
Founder and E-Commerce Director

Do you also struggle with competition monitoring and staying on top of the market? Don’t waste any more time and start your 30 days free trial period with Price2Spy.