Medium sized European nursery furniture retailer

Medium sized European nursery furniture retailer

Here’s what we’re working

How Price2Spy helped Nursery furniture retailer to find its position in a very competitive market

Medium sized European nursery furniture retailer



  1. Very competitive and volatile market
  2. Frequent stock changes and new products being added to clients online offer all the time
  3. Several competitors chosen to start with


  • Price2Spy Basic Large +  Manual Account Maintenance
  • Weekly CSV feed – the client sends us newly added products which get imported into it’s Price2Spy account
  • As we also offered manual account maintenance by our team, that means that once a week (once new products get imported), our product matching team starts with the account maintenance:
    • Check competitor sites for new products and load matches the to Price2Spy
    • Double check for the products that were not found on competitor sites previously


By its nature, Price2Spy is a very sensitive and discrete tool. For that reason, we have to be very careful about our client’s data privacy, which is an absolute priority for us.

Therefore, we will not be able to show too many testimonials nor success stories on this page. The ones we will show should just give you a brief idea on how Price2Spy can be used in your own business.