BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy

BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy

Integrating your BigCommerce store with Price2Spy

The integration actually starts from your BigCommerce store.

  • Please login to your BigCommerce store
  • Click Marketplace, and in search box, type Price2Spy
  • On the next screen, click Install (blue button)
  • On the following screen, confirm the access privileges (Confirm – blue button)

BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy

Finding Price2Spy in BigCommerce marketplace

BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy
BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy

  • Price2Spy will now (behind the scene) create an account for you, and link it to your BigCommerce store. You will also receive an email with credentials for your newly created Price2Spy account.
  • You will be taken to a Price2Spy screen where you will be able to define which product categories (from your BigCommerce store) you’d like linked with your Price2Spy account
  • Click Matched products to see how many products are contained in the above categories, click Next
  • Finalizing operation details
    • Name your operation (for example: BigCommerce | LINK)
    • Define execution frequency (default = 1 day)
    • (Optional) Define start / end date for the operation (leave blank if you’d like the operation to be executed every day until further notice)
    • Choose whether you want to be notified by email on each operation execution (default = OFF)
    • Click ‘Run it now‘ if you want the products to be copied immediately (otherwise the operation will be done according to the daily schedule)
    • Define price check frequency (of the products created via Link My Store Operation)
  • Click Finish. Once your products have been linked from BigCommerce, you’ll see them in your Price2Spy account – it should take no more than 10 minutes

So, from now on, you will be able to access Price2Spy in 2 ways

  1. Directly from your BigCommerce store (by clicking Apps => Price2Spy), or by
  2. Accessing Price2Spy directly from your browser – please use these credentials supplied in the above email

BigCommerce – integrating with Price2Spy

Select product categories to be integrated with Price2Spy