Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy

Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy

Steps to be performed on Shift4Shop side



Login to your Shift4Shop store, and do the following:

    1. Go to setting > general > store setting [screen 1]
    2. Copy Store URL (will be needed later) [screen 2]
    3. On the left menu go to Modules, and in search modules field type rest [screen 3]
    4. Go to settings on rest module ( rest must be Enabled) [screen 4]
    5. Click add [screen 5]
    6. Paste public key: 7ff94b1c4cafa2fc7b136debb19c0752 and save [screen 6]
    7. Please think of categories you like to be imported to Price2Spy (only root categories are allowed!)
    8. Please contact
      1. Please let us know your Store URL (see step 2)
      2. Please let us know your list of categories you like to be imported to Price2Spy (you can also say – ‘all root categories’)

Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy
Shift4Shop (former 3DCart) – integrating with Price2Spy

Integrating your Shift4Shop with Price2Spy



After you send email to, we will finalize the integration of your 3DCart with Price2Spy (it will take max 1 working day)

Network / Firewall issues

  • In many cases, we experience that client’s Web server is behind a firewall, which will block our requests. Therefore, please make sure that you have done the following whitelisting changes to your firewall
  • Whitelist specific countries: please white list Serbia and The Netherlands (Holland)
  • Whitelist user-agent: ReactorNetty
  • Request rates
  • If your store contains a large number of products, Price2Spy will have to make a large number of requests to your Web server in order to perform the syncing.
  • If a large number of requests is problematic for your Web server – please contact  and we will spread the requests over a longer period of time
  • In case you’re not sure where to apply the above firewall changes, please get in touch with your hosting company. If you’re unsure whom to contact, please let us know, we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.

Basic Info


  • All product-related columns (product name, SKU, internal ID, custom fields, metadata, brand, supplier, and category) can have 250 characters max
  • Comment fields support 4GB (4,294,967,295 characters)
  • URL is limited to 2,000 characters
  • The following fields can contain 65,535 characters (64 KB): note1, note2, note3, image1Url, image2Url, and image3Url