Basic plans

Basic plans

Price2Spy Basic price plans

  • Price2Spy Basic 500

  • USD - monthly fee67.95monthly fee
    • Up to 500 Product URLs
    • Up to 40 sites/competitors
    • Instant or daily price change alert emails
    • Powerful reporting mechanism

    Login to subscribe

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  • Price2Spy Basic 2K

  • USD - monthly fee134.95monthly fee
    • Up to 2000 Product URLs
    • Up to 80 sites/competitors
    • Instant or daily price change alert emails
    • Powerful reporting mechanism

    Login to subscribe

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  • Price2Spy Basic 10K

  • USD - monthly fee337.95monthly fee
    • Up to 10 000 Product URLs
    • Unlimited number of sites/competitors
    • Instant or daily price change alert emails
    • Powerful reporting mechanism

    Login to subscribe

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  • Price2Spy Basic 50K

  • USD - monthly fee674.95monthly fee
    • Up to 50 000 Product URLs
    • Unlimited number of sites/competitors
    • Instant or daily price change alert emails
    • Powerful reporting mechanism

    Login to subscribe

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  • Need more than 50K?

  • No problem at all!monthly
    • Let us know how many products
    • Let us know how many competitors
    • Let us know how often do you want prices checked
    • … and we’ll give you a quote

    Contact us

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Which price plan suits your needs – use our calculator here to find out.

Price2Spy Basic vs Price2Spy Premium account

Basic Price2Spy account comes with default functionality, which is in most cases sufficient enough to monitor your competitors. However, Price2Spy comes with some quite advanced features, which require Premium account:

  • Multiple price checks per day (up to 8 times per day)
  • Ability to capture not only product price / availability, but also additional product information (shipping costs, delivery details, seller information etc.)
  • Access to Price2Spy API
  • More than 1 user account, each with it’s own account privileges

Try before you buy

We all think twice before we spend our money. Before you do so, we would like you to feel the power of Price2Spy and start making a profit by using it.

Please start your free 30-day trial. After the trial period is over, please choose the price plan which will suit your needs