10 Key Strategies to Increase Your E-commerce Conversion Rate

Guest post 5.10.2021. Reading Time: 5 minutes

The number of visitors you drive to your e-commerce website can make or break your online store. That’s because more sure visitors mean more people you can convert. Your only hindrance is whether you are attracting the right website traffic.

But what if you are attracting the right people, but your conversion rate is still low? The answer lies with your e-commerce web design.

How your online store looks might be stopping site visitors from buying your products. And we are not just talking about whether your e-commerce website is visually pleasing. Instead, we want to know whether you are making it easy for site visitors to make a purchase.

If not, it is high time to implement these ten conversion rate optimization techniques:

Make Your Website Simple

Having a simple web design plays a key role when it comes to determining the e-commerce conversion rate. 

Avoid having a cluttered and dull design. Moreover, a lot of things can happen on your site which will distract your customers. Avoid placing a lot of text, bold colors, or distracting ads on your site. 

Make sure that the moment a potential customer lands on your site, they’ll have easy access to your products. The colors of your website should be soothing to the eyes. Ensure that there will be no huge chunks of text on the web page or distracting ads. 

Also, make sure that the search tab on the topmost portion of the page is easy to navigate. 

Use High-Quality Images and Video

When shopping online, think about what you want to see. Also, when doing online shopping, you can’t touch the product or put it on.

One of the best things you need to do is place a detailed image or video so that the customers know precisely what they’ll be getting.

We suggest that on product pages, place high-quality photos and videos. That way, the user will visualize the product better and boost your conversion rates.

High-quality images and videos also allow your prospective customers to understand your product better. Perhaps they are curious about how to use your product; an instructional video can come in handy.

Here are some helpful tactics that make it so much more effective:

  • Provide several viewing angles as much as possible.
  • Showcase different colors and styles of the product, helping customers make a better choice.
  • Place the image on a suitable file and size so that clients will have a better look at the device of their choice. 
  • Provide the highest quality of images possible. Hence, consider hiring a professional product photographer.

Provide Detailed Product Descriptions

In an online marketplace like Amazon, it is common to see product listings without valuable descriptions. 

But the thing is, customers couldn’t touch the product, as they usually would if it’s a brick-and-mortar store. That’s why you need to ensure that you describe the product in detail. 

It should also contain interesting and informative details. That way, customers will be interested in your products and go through with the purchase. 

Make sure that you also add a product video or demo for more impact. All of these will eventually prevent returns and boost your sales on your e-commerce site

Similarly, it would help if you also focused on your site’s SEO. Usually, high-traffic sites are vital since it boosts the e-commerce conversion rate. SEO also enhances your site traffic and builds your SEO rankings. 

Show Related Products

Similarly, your customers should also find what they’re looking for in your e-commerce site. Make sure that you place categories and tags on your products. 

This allows related products to be displayed on product detail pages. Apart from enhancing the customer experience, you should also showcase your products to site visitors. This is a successful strategy if you want to boost e-commerce sales

Optimize for Search and Discoverability

The thing is, customers wouldn’t buy an item that they couldn’t find. That’s why site owners and designers should be focusing more on product discoverability. 

There are several ways that you can do this. This includes: 

  • Set an easy search feature that allows users to incorporate keyword research. 
  • Create an information architecture that you can use repetitively on every product page. Doing so gives your online store a uniform look.
  • Ensure that your navigation menu makes it easy for customers to look for the relevant product category. 
  • Come up with shoppable social galleries. Such content formats can help curate and display user-generated content of your products. 

Optimize Your Call-to-Action

Your CTA buttons, to a larger extent, affect your e-commerce conversion rates. Having a properly optimized CTA button will prompt your target customers to take their desired action. 

Also, make sure that you use CTA phrases that will drive more clicks. Fortunately, there are already a lot of templates that you can follow.

Make sure that you run the A/B test on them so that you’ll know which brings in the highest conversions. Examples of these phrases include “Join free,” “Learn more,” “Add to cart,” and so much more. 

Offer Competitive Pricing With Free Shipping

This is an excellent combination of two remarkable aspects of online shopping that affect a consumer’s choice.

More often than not, competitive pricing is a vital conversion element. Different stores mark their product prices higher or lower. This is to attract customers or give the impression what they offer is of better quality.

Sure, you can offer a product for a higher price. However, you can catch the attention of a customer when you offer free shipping. What comes to their mind is, “It’s okay to spend more if I don’t have to pay for shipping.”

Another way to leverage free shipping is to offer it when a customer spends a particular amount. Say, “Free shipping for purchases with $500.” Doing so will encourage customers to buy more.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Do you know that sixty-one percent of mobile users will likely leave a website if it doesn’t perform well on mobile devices? Some may not even revisit a website. 

Also, in 2021, more than half of e-commerce transactions are expected to be done via mobile devices.

So, if you want to boost your site’s conversion rates, you should create a smooth shopping experience for mobile users. Make sure that you adapt your site in a way that mobile users can easily browse the internet.

It also helps to place oversized buttons, use bigger font sizes on input boxes, and have enough white space between design elements. This significantly decreases any misclicks, making it so much easier for mobile users to navigate your site.

It would help if you also decreased the information mobile users need to input when checking out. Stay away from using popups since they can reduce the overall quality of the mobile shopping experience.

Streamline the Check-out Process

One of the most significant barriers to your conversion rate is having a problematic check-out process. 

Often, buyers add products to their carts but can be frustrated since the check-out process needs a lot of information. There are too many clicks required or too many fields that they need to fill out.

We suggest that you only ask for what is essential. After all, the only information you will need to deliver the products are:

  • Customer’s name
  • Shipping address
  • Contact number
  • Payment details

The easier it is for a customer to check out, the higher the chances of completing the process.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

If you’re offering limited payment options, you can be losing out on many customers. This is especially true if you cater to international customers.
In some countries, the credit card is not a popular payment option. Instead, they would look for stores that allow cash on delivery, PayPal, and digital wallet.

Improving your conversion rate is one of the best ways to boost the revenue of your e-commerce store. That said, refer to this post for conversion rate optimization ideas.


Juliette Anderson
Juliette Anderson is an Outreach Community Specialist for an e-commerce fulfillment company that specializes in partnering with online sellers who have an average parcel weight of 5+ pounds or greater. She has worked hand-in-hand with e-commerce stores to achieve optimal sales for four years already. Her specialty lies in social media marketing and paid promotions.