Benefits Of Blogging In eCommerce Business

Guest post 21.6.2022. Reading Time: 5 minutes

Content is a key element of marketing in an eCommerce business. That’s why it’s a good time to start an interesting blog in your online store. Unique articles increase organic traffic. That is what you need to promote your eCommerce site. In this article, we have analyzed the different benefits of eCommerce blogging. Finish it to the end. It will be interesting!

About Blogging In the eCommerce Business

We’ve noticed that eCommerce businesses are underutilizing the potential of content marketing. Many sites don’t have a blog, and they don’t write exciting posts on social media. As a result, statistics show that businesses lose up to 20 percent of their audience. Everyone has a chance to fix this and step up content marketing in their eCommerce business now. 

Blogging is essential for website search engine optimization. This is one of the main reasons you need to get into content creation. But unfortunately, there is no other way to attract organic traffic to your new eCommerce site. Sure, you probably use contextual advertising, targeting, and other pay-per-click or audience-reach methods of paid promotion. However, organic traffic is more relevant because it works eventually. As a result, the cost per unique visitor to your online store will go down. 

Ecommerce marketing blogs are available from various major online retailers. Follow their lead to experience all the benefits of such a content marketing tool. 

5 Benefits Of Blogging In the eCommerce Business

There are several significant benefits of blogging in the eCommerce business:

Additional traffic

Are you ready to invest time and money in attracting traffic to your online store website? An eCommerce website blog will be one of the most effective methods in this case. The fact is that such a section increases the amount of content on the site, most of which can be successfully adapted for keywords. Furthermore, quality content positively affects indexing and new page rank in search. This is because traffic grows due to search engines, and users share the content of interest with them on social networks.

Expert positioning

Many eCommerce sites use content marketing to establish themselves as experts in the industry. They are willing to answer users’ questions, share advice and help solve problems. To that end, work on expert articles and tips. But, first, find out how it will help your potential audience and what problems it will solve.

Creating an audience

A blog on an online store site can be used to attract and retain an audience. As well as establishing contact with clients. If you regularly publish engaging content, some visitors return to the site to read something else interesting. Over time, more of them will come back, and you’ll start to build a loyal audience. For example, make a video about using the products you offer. Post some success stories of your customers. People especially like inspiring stories.

Commenting on publications makes your visitors feel like part of a whole community. Respond to comments, and questions, and respond to appeals.

Brand Loyalty

Engaging your audience and publishing interesting content builds loyalty. Blogging plays an important role in creating a useful source of information and advice for customers. You may have a good product or service, but your repeat sales rate will be below. This will happen until you learn techniques to build brand loyalty. And this is very important for an online commerce business, not limited to any country or region.

Viral publications

As your audience grows, the viral effect of published materials will increase. Users prefer to share fascinating articles with friends that help solve this problem. Just one viral publication can bring hundreds of new visitors to your online store site and many potential customers.

It is necessary to understand that the listed advantages will not be achieved once. It may take a lot of time, but the return on investment will start in the first few months. Each article in your online store’s blog will contribute to organic traffic growth. And many of them will remain relevant for months and even years. In this case, investments from your side are required only at the stage of creating and publishing materials, and the effect will be long-lasting.

How To Properly Blog In An eCommerce Business?

A blog on an online store site can be used as an effective promotional tool. Tell the blog about the advantages of your products and yourself as a reliable and responsible seller. But in everything, there should be a moderate approach to turning the resource into a collection of self-promotional praise.

Pay attention to many tips if you have no experience with blogging and content marketing, or feel your current strategy is not effective enough:

  • Experiment with types of content. This can be informational articles, reviews, news digests, interviews, reviews of trends, and interesting events in the industry. Keep track of the effect and prioritize your work based on how users respond;
  • Use guest posting. You can get trusted backlinks, which improve the indexing of your eCommerce site. 
  • Systematize your work. It’s better to publish fewer articles regularly than to publish daily for one week and not make a single post. Readers don’t like the guessing game. They want to know when to expect new and interesting content from you;
  • Be careful with advertising. Don’t turn your blog into a collection of news and advertisements. Yes, it’s a great platform for various announcements and drawing attention to promotions. But excessive enthusiasm for such content will only lead to a drop in interest from users and a decrease in their enthusiasm;
  • Keep an eye on your competitors. Find leaders in your niche who are already working on a blog. See what topics they publish articles on. This will help you list publication ideas and form your content plan. It’s also worth looking at what articles are about that gather the most comments. You have a chance of generating the most interest from your audience if you use this information;
  • Analyze statistics. This will help you understand which content generated the most interest from users. Also, by what keywords the search traffic is coming from and the conversion level from this page. Usually, such work should be done by a professional Internet marketer. You can highlight the parameters worth analyzing: the articles with the most traffic from search, bounce rate, number of comments, the time spent by the user on the site, the number of pages viewed, login and exit pages, and so on.

Thus, you will be able to identify the most popular and effective pages on the site in terms of conversions, improve them if possible and adjust further work with the data obtained.


You have many blogging opportunities. Use them! However, a blog is not a sales tool. Your main goal is to entertain and inform your readers. The content becomes a source of relevant and useful information in this niche. One of its main tasks on the online store site is creating a space for communication between the business and its customers, presenting the company, and establishing a relationship of trust. You get an effective tool for developing your business, investments that will bring you dividends for many years.


Frank Hamilton
Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English. Meet him on Facebook and Twitter.