Fritel – Belgium

Fritel – Belgium

Here’s what we’re working

How Price2Spy helped Fritel to have a better overview of the market and product distribution

Fritel – Belgium

If there is one thing that all people have in common, then it is certainly the love for food. Whether it’s served in the most luxurious restaurant or it is our grandma’s special recipe, the experience is what we remember. We may not all be professional chefs, but that shouldn’t be an obstacle in preparing food for those we love. The Belgian brand that has been trying to do so for more than 25 years is Fritel. They have gradually conquered the hearts of the Belgians. Their secret? Being focused on quality and design, as well as on customer satisfaction while creating kitchen electric appliances.

It turned out that all over Europe, among moms and grandmothers, students, and couples, there are many cooking lovers who, perhaps with the use of Fritel’s products, can stand side by side with real professionals.


But, being present in various markets brings a whole new set of problems. That’s how Price2Spy became a part of Fritel’s kitchen. 🙂


Fritel’s Key Challenges


Working with retailers all around Europe can be a challenging task, especially when there are many products on the market. 


Below are listed some issues regarding the challenges of Fritel’s monitoring requirements:


  • Everyday market monitoring;
  • Overview of retailers or e-tailers who are presenting their products and how they are placing their products on the market;
  • A complete overview of the distribution and the strategy that follows their products;
  • A large number of products need to be monitored across different websites;
  • Products are also monitored across different markets – Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, France.


One of the most challenging issues is the fact that Fritel has a lot of products which are at the same time present in various markets. They are monitoring their products on 20 websites, which means that the monitoring process needed to be pretty frequent. 


Fritel was faced with all these obstacles while trying to maintain its leading market position. 


As you can tell, help from a price monitoring tool such as Price2Spy was much needed. 


Price2Spy’s Given Solutions


Since Price2Spy has a rich experience with clients who are present in different markets across the world, the following solutions were offered to Fritel:


  • Creating a Premium Large account – this was an important step since it provides the User Management so every manager has their own dashboard and can set up their own reports. This was a necessity due to the need for monitoring different markets. Price2Spy can provide managing different markets and currencies in a centralized way, but we needed to provide a solution that would also allow high independence between different markets;
  • Performing the monitoring on every 6h;
  • Splitting products across countries so they can monitor different markets;
  • Creating 4 Automated reports: Two Price Matrix reports (one for BE/NL market and the other for DE/FR market) and two reports regarding the sellers.


By doing so, Price2Spy allowed Fritel to have all data in one place, whilst being able to filter it out by the markets, countries, categories, they’re interested in at any point. That resulted in a simple and straightforward way to extract any reports from Price2Spy. With Price2Spy, the client got an automatic tool that can monitor both their competition and their own market performance. 


“Price2Spy provides a complete overview of our product distribution and the strategy that is in the alignment with that.” Bert Smet, Sales Manager


During its many years of experience, Price2Spy has often encountered clients who have similar problems. This is exactly one of the reasons why Price2Spy was the right solution for Fritel. All major clients require a seriously developed tool that is able to meet their diverse needs. Price2Spy proved to be just that.