Price Matrix has a new option – below / above my price

New Price2Spy features, Price2Spy announcements 21.10.2021. Reading Time: 2 minutes

As you already know, Price2Spy is a highly customizable tool that allows clients to adjust many features according to their needs. This is especially handy when it comes to reports. We’ve noticed that some of our clients are creating different reports that show prices that are below their own price and the ones that are above their own price. Since we consider this a pretty useful option, we’ve decided to enable it in our Price Matrix report! The new option is called Prices in relation to my price

This will enable clients to analyze prices below their price and see those prices in a Matrix while the ones above are not shown and vice versa. There are 3 options:

  • Show all prices – default
  • Show only prices lower than mine
  • Show only prices more expensive than mine

But, let’s explain everything in more detail. 

  1. This option is offered only to clients who have My own website defined. However, the option is applicable only to competitor websites. My own website is always equal to itself but needs to be shown in Matrix for comparison. All you need to do is visit Account settings and insert the website
price matrix - Prices in relation to my price
  1. Once your website is inserted, you can proceed to the Price Matrix report. 
  • If you select Show all prices, a regular Matrix is shown.
  • However, if you select Show only prices lower than mine, then only the prices that are cheaper than your price will be shown while the higher ones will be skipped.
  • The same applies to prices More expensive than mine.
price matrix - Prices in relation to my price
  1. There is one more thing to keep in mind. In order to select one of these options, you’ll need to set Absolute values within the field Show prices as first, and then to click on the Percentage of a price difference (my price as a basis)
price matrix - Prices in relation to my price

As you can see, a whole new and more functional report is only a few clicks away! Check it out and let us know your opinion. 

In case there are any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to or to contact your account manager directly.


Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Price2Spy. She's a sociologist who found her place in the eCommerce world. As such, her love for writing has led her to discover the beauty of content marketing and given her the opportunity to inform people about eCommerce and pricing topics.