Price2Spy API 2.10 to be released on October 10th

New Price2Spy features, Price2Spy announcements 7.9.2020. Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the features that Price2Spy is the proudest of is certainly API. As you already know, we’re constantly improving all our features, and API makes no exception. The newest Price2Spy API 2.10 version will bring something many clients asked about. From now on, you’ll be able to

  • Retrieve captured screenshots – this feature is available to our clients using the Screenshot add-on
  • Retrieved URLs of product images (captured during the price checks), as well as your own notes regarding URLs, that can be retrieved separately. This feature is not available in Price2Spy right now. However, in order to reduce the number of API changes, we’re preparing the API side of it well ahead.

To be more precise:

  • As of version 2.10, you will be able to use one new field as part of Price2Spy Measurement objects:
    • screenshotUrl (if you are subscribed to our screenshot add-on)
  • As of version 2.10, you will be able to use six new fields as part of Price2Spy URL objects:
    • Fields related to product images (this feature will be launched in a few month’s time, but we are preparing API for it now, in order to reduce the number of API changes)
      • image1Url – string (URL of the 1st image of the URL)
      • image2Url – string (URL of the 2nd image of the URL)
      • image3Url – string (URL of the 3rd image of the URL)
    • Fields related to URL notes (this feature will be launched in a few month’s time, but we are preparing API for it now, in order to reduce the number of API changes))
      • note1 – string (1st URL note)
      • note2 – string (2nd URL note)
      • note3 – string (3rd URL note)

It’s important to point out the methods in which the new fields will be exposed:

  • getCurrentPricingData
  • getMeasurements
  • getUrls
  • insertURL
  • updateURL

If you are connecting via SOAP:

The clients who are using Microsoft to connect to the SOAP version of Price2Spy’s API will have to make certain changes. Their solution will require a rebuild which can be performed by using the new WSDL files.

As always, all the API documentation can be found here:

If you are connecting via REST:

If you are a client who is using REST API in order to connect to Price2Spy’s API (or you are using some other technologies to connect) there would be no need for any changes.

However, if you need further assistance, or have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on Our team would be glad to help you!


Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Price2Spy. She's a sociologist who found her place in the eCommerce world. As such, her love for writing has led her to discover the beauty of content marketing and given her the opportunity to inform people about eCommerce and pricing topics.