Price2Spy introduces product search by filtering websites

New Price2Spy features, Price2Spy announcements 28.12.2021. Reading Time: < 1

Price2Spy is ending this year with a couple of more novelties, and one of them refers to the changes introduced to the My products page.

So far My Products didn’t have a filter by site, meaning that you could only see the products that do have URLs from any of these websites. In order to improve your user experience, we decided to introduce product search by filtering websites.

We introduced the Site dropdown in the filters section. That further means that selecting the website from the dropdown menu should show only the products that have URLs from this site. As you can see, products are still displayed in the same way as when using the website as a keyword.

product search by filtering websites

You’ll also notice that the product is present as a search result multiple times if several filtered sites from one product are present.

In case you want to click on the specific product, that’s still an option, and if you want to go back to the filtered page, just click on the BACK from the single product page.

We hope this will help you navigate faster in your Price2Spy account! 

If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to write us at  


Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Price2Spy. She's a sociologist who found her place in the eCommerce world. As such, her love for writing has led her to discover the beauty of content marketing and given her the opportunity to inform people about eCommerce and pricing topics.